The new collection from MAC, Pret a Papier, consists of some gorgeous spring-ready corals that are sure to flatter a variety of skin tones. I had anticipated buying more items than I ended up purchasing, but I am absolutely in love with those products that I did haul. Two of the products that I was most excited about were the Chromographic Pencil and Coral Crepe paint pot. In my opinion, these are the two must haves from this collection. The lip shades I found to be very pretty, but not especially unique. I did end up with Dressmaker, Dressmaker, however, a nice coral with a lustre finish. As for eyeshadows, I picked up Cut to Fit. Its color reminds me of a mix between MAC's Cranberry and Coppering. Cut to Fit is a gorgeous color and I am planning to use it in an FOTD very soon. Finally, I snagged Instant Chic blush, a beautiful peachy-coral without shimmer. While I thought that both of the blushes were lovely, I just had to get this one to fit in with the coral theme for spring and summer!
Chromagraphic Pencil
NC 15 / NW 20
NW 25 / NC 30
Impeccable Brow Pencil
Dirty Blonde - Blackened Dark Neutral-Brown
Taupe - Mid-Tone Dirty-Taupe
Studio Fix Lash
Black Fix - Black
Sheertone Blush
Instant Chic - Mid-Tone Muted Coral
Garb - Light Golden Suntan
Mineralize Blush
Light Over Dark - Light Yellow Brown/ Dark Peach (Frost) Repromote
Finally I got my hands on some goodies that I was a fool for putting off buying. About a month ago, I was watching a YouTube video in which Candles By Victoria, CBV, mentioned that they were running a one day sale. I thought this would be the perfect time to finally purchase some to try for myself. I quickly rushed over to Twitter and messaged Brooke (aka sayanythingb00ke) to get her top six picks (she had purchased them before and loved them). I decided to get the sampler pack so I could try out different scents. I have heard soo many good things about these candles and, let me tell you, the positive reviews are completely founded. I'm sure that even without Brooke’s recommendations anything I picked would have been amazing. I am in love with my candles and I definitely will be buying more from the line! Each candle came individually wrapped in plastic and was very well secured. I could smell the yumminess through all of the wrapping! I instantly knew that I was in love. The candles that I got in my sample pack were:
1. Bath Time with Pooh - This smells like Honey I Washed the Kids soap from LUSH, but maybe even better! This is by far my favorite. If I had more than one I would probably leave it burning all day long. It has a sweet candy-like scent to it which is soo delicious.
2. Caramelized Pralines - This one is my second favorite. The scent is so strong that you don't even have to open the jar to smell it! But, I absolutely love it. The smell is sweet and it reminds me of Werther’s Caramels.
3. Banana Coconut Cream Pie - I am not sure why, but this one reminds me of summer. Who doesn’t love summer?!? All the scent notes just blend together so nicely. This one will be my go-to summer candle scent for sure.
4. Pepprmint Bark - This one is simply Christmas in a jar. The peppermint scent is so refreshing. It reminds me of holiday time and the yummy Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks.
5. Peanut Butter Cookies - The name alone makes me want to eat the candle…and it wouldn't have any carbs or sugar! It smells exactly like it's name would suggest, perhaps with a hint of caramel.
6. Mango Papaya - Last but not least! This candle will be another summer favorite. Its scent is very refreshing and light. I smell a stronger fragrance of the papaya than mango. It's very tropical. After smelling this I’m definitely in the mood for some Bahama mama ;).
These are little pieces of heaven in adorable glass jars. They are long lasting and their scents are true to their names. They come in so many different fragrances that I'm sure everyone would find something to tickle their fancies. If you haven't tried a CBV candle yet, you must! What are you waiting for? They are a must have! They would also make a really nice gift for any candle lover. I'm actually planning to buy some for my mom for Mother's Day because she adores them!
I bring you another bright nail look ,can you tell how badly I want summer to be here already. This weather is confused one day is nice and another it pours so looking at my nails should cheer anyone up because they are hella bright and I'm super excited about the colors I used. It's pretty simple nothing crazy just two bright colors and some glitter. Hope you guys like it. Product's used : SinfulColors - #56 Neon Melon Milani- #66 Pink Pop Nail Art Paint (Glitter) - In White & Silver Sally Hansen- Top Coat
A fellow blogger that I talk to on twitter is having a huge contest and the prizes are rediculous. I was soo excited to hear about this contest and I might even enter myself. It's open to pretty much everyone and she even added another secret prize which will be annouced after the winner's are picked. There are going to be three winner. Basically all you have to do is send in pictures and product information of the nail desgin you come up with and you can enter as many times as you like. The contest ends on April 30th so hurry up and get your enteries in :) here is a link to the blog where you can read more about this awesome contest. Good Luck Everyone (Beautopia)
A fun and simple smoky eye look using some grey's & taupe's, also sorry about the pics I'm still trying to figure out settings on this cam. Face: MUFE Hd foundation #155 Mac concelar Nw25 Msf- Medium /Dark Mac blush-Fad-Dabulous
Hey all I'm Back !! Sorry I know it's been so long but some idiot dropped my camera in beer and I was without a one for almost two months and I felt so lost. Finally I bought a new canon it's still not like the professional one I want but it's good for now. So posting another FOTD hope you like :) Face: Mac Mineralized Foundation Nc35(not liking this anymore) Mac concelar Nw25 Msf- Medium /Dark Sun & Moon b/l Msf-Readhead
Eyes: Soft Ochre p/p Trax e/s (forgot how pretty this color was) Sketch e/sMufe e/s #131 Ricepapper e/s Blacktrack f/l Mufe Smoky lash Feline e/l Almost Noir e/l